Guest Blog From ReelCrazy
 Mrs Shark "RaisinHavok" and Guest blogger, NL holdem Tourney Pro Reel (Steve) at the LUXOR preparing for a SNG 11 man battle. Guest Blog from my good friend “ReelCrazy” Steve. His lagg ass and great wife Tammy met Rayzn and I in Vegas last week. If you have not met any of your good “online” friends in person, I highly recommend it. We are already talking about the next meet up and if we get all our hands in at Insert your Poker site name here it won’t be a whole year. I will be learning how to hypnotize my members so our next convention will have more good stories. Save some money so you can meet your fellow Shark members at the next Convention. By ReelCrazy There is only one member of Sharks Army that knows the reel story and it is a pretty amazing one. So now by the end of this post, all that read this will know. I am going to start at the end or last adventure which was the first annual shark convention. My wife and I arrived in lost wages on Saturday the 20Th. It has been about 8 years since we have been away without our three boys. A vacation without kids was long overdue. My poker play has completely financed this trip, from airfare to rental car and even spending money. The hotel we got through a promotion for a time share, we have to sit through a 90 minute sales pitch and we get 6 days 5 nights in the New Frontier (we paid for the extra day so we could save on airfare). We are arriving at airport sametime as Matt (Bournesupreme) and his female friend, Dawn (extremely nice, good looking girl) so we make plans to pick them up and drive them to there hotel. First day is a waste; we are staying at Sims Town away from strip. Big time spot for locals. I go right to poker room and my wife and I watch for 10 minutes and she tells me “you need to play this." Even she notices its donkville and they all just got there pay checks. Played 2-4 limit for 3hrs and up$140, but cards are startin to get blurry. So tired from the day of travel, coming from east coast just want to get the road dirt off and relax. Check my list of MTT's, check out home casino and off to bed. Found out that next day there is a free country music concert on Freemont Street with 4 headliners. So Matt the girls and I plan on a day on Freemont Street. I start day with an 11 am $60 mtt at Bally's. I found out you have to pay attention to what the fees are in these mtt's. For instance most of them only 50 to 65% of buy in go to prize pool. because the house must make a certain amount per hour, the smaller buy ins have a very fast blind structure and low starting chips so they can get the hourly rate they need, so if going in these tournaments you need to do some home work. The one I picked was $55 to prize pool $5 to house, which is one of the best in Las Vegas. There was 15 minute between increases and blinds are 25-50, with 2000 starting chips, one mistake and your crippled. 50 players in I went out 42, oh well next. Off to Freemont Street. Music was great, lottsa great names, but you would have to ask my wife what they are. But I know the music was the same music as is on radio. First time I see Matt on Freemont Street he has two of these huge drinks, one in each hand with both straws in his mouth. So I figure that looks like something I need to try. We go to one of the casinos and get me one of those bigun's, I think it was $8 but well worth it. We walked around, checked out Binions Poker room and all the other old strip places when it hit me. I was just about finished my drink when the drink finished me. I was hammered from one drink. No sleep, no food, big drink, bad combo. We get my car from golden nugget and I start askin who wants to drive, no takers so off I go. Only one problem, off I went down the wrong side of the road. Dawn, calm as could be with cars coming at us says "could ya drive on the right side please." That gets my attention enough to get us home and out of the car. Make note to self; if I plan to drink take the bus. Third day, Monday my long awaited meeting with the head honcho and boss of this group Shark, Steve and raisin, Patty. We have to start day at the 90 minute sales pitch for some time share thing that took all of 58 minutes for me to convince sales guy I only can say NO THANK YOU and he should take an early lunch. Steve and Patty call and we make plans to meet up and play some ring. I am surprised to see Shark is a old slightly short bald guy with a beautiful partner, but I get a good man hug in and add alot of thank you's to the shark master for stuff I will talk about later (hes not really old but he is pretty bald, not short either just makes for good reading, but Patty is very pretty and probably needs glasses) We sit at 3-6 table and shark starts to get in it with a 75 year old guy in a wheel chair and wants to takem outside and kick his ass. I give sharky the old I got yur back if hes got a friend with cane that might sneek ya when yur poundin the old dude. Luckily the old guy lost his whole social security check pretty fast and shark didn’t have to knock out the guys dentures. Steve got bored with the 3-6 and moved to bigger limits and I stayed as this was plenty big for me. Got friendly with guy to my left, about the same level player as me very nice. We both played like rocks, waiting for good starting hands then pressing. rest of table were call call call...................... raise when ya get lucky and hit. So the guy to my right appeared to only know curse words in English. He would talk to his buddy (in some other language) call every raise and then curse at the person who beat his pocket threes with an ak suited flush. Not only did he curse everytime, he had his foot on my chair and would push my chair just enough to pick at my nerves. After about an hour of this I wasn’t having fun anymore because the veins in my neck were about to explode. I beat em previous hand for like $40, then nice guy on left rivered a str8 (had nut flush draw and top pair) to beat idiot on right pocket kings and he pushed chair hard and called guy on left a C$#K sucker and I had enough. I turned to the guy and let him know one more word from his mouth, even "nice hand" I was getting thrown out of the casino for pounding his ass. He then had blinds and was kinda shortin chips and the whole table called (it was very obvious he was on everyones nerves) I was lucky enough to catch a str8 on the turn and he was stupid enough to bet on my ck raise twice so I could have all his remaining chips and he went away. Finished the night up about $100, great experience, great meeting Steve and Patty, havin a great time! Gonna pick this up tomorrow cause I am really tired, red eye into Dallas, Dallas to phila= 12hrs of travel and first night in my own bed in a week and hotel bed was plywood with a sheet over it. Side note, there is already some concern by Dawn (Matts girl friend) that Matt, who is a big guy might do some harm to the clowns at his hotel, Circus Circus, cause they are startin to freak him out! _________________ Part 2 The Reel Vegas Story Okay time to finish this up, first half got a little wordy so try to shorten it up a little. There has just been so much goin on its hard to decide what to write about. Tuesday was meetin day for all of army in Vegas, Bruce ( SN, shamalan somethin) is only one I have only talked to, and has been in town since Saturday. Gary and friend Fred are due in this afternoon, Matt and Dawn, Steve and Patty, Tammy and I are all in the house. I decide to start day with the$60 mtt at Bally's. To keep it short, I finished 4th outa 50 and won $125. It took three suckouts and 4 full houses to get 4th, so imagine what it takes to win. We all get together at Steve and Pattys room for pre dinner Drinks. It seems that Ricky Martin tried to pick up Matts girlfriend (Ricky was a dealertainer at blackjack table) and there was some tension between em and they can’t make dinner. So the seven of us are off to the new Red Rock casino. It is a beautiful place away from strip, about 25 minute drive. I highly recommend a visit there and the food was very good. All are tired, except for Wife and I so they head back and we hang around to check out the poker room here. I playsome 2-4 limit until wife is sleeping in chair at slot machine and leave up about $40. Rest of week we did alot of walking and hangin out with the group. Had a good start at the New Orleans playin 4-8 kill. Was probably a little over my head playin kill, but wanted to try the higher stacks and it looked interesting. Was my first and only losing session at limit ring during the trip and left $80 in the hole. Over the course of the week my wife has a weakness for the wheel of fortune machines. This proved to be a good thing though as she hit the 1000 coins on the spin twice and $500 in the pocket. We also played alot of blackjack and stayed fairly even all week. On Thursday evening the wife and I had free tickets to comedy show at Rivera so we decided to check it out. The headliner act was a comedian, Magician, Hypnotist. First of all this is too much for one person to do so I know now DONT EVER VOLINTEER FOR THIS CRAP. The guy says he won’t make ya do anything embarrassing or humiliating, so I volunteer, Big Mistake. From what I understand (Wife filled me in afterwards) I hugged another guy- Ripped my shirt of and did body builder poses- gave a lap dance to a fat guy with a mustache- tried to kick a Mexicans ass for stealing my penis, but then he gave it back- and to top it off sang rap in Japanese. Now I don’t see that any of that is embarrassing or humiliating, but the guy I was huggin did wet his pants, really he did! Well rest of week was alot more walking, we played a sit and go that Shark some how stayed in , short stacked till final two and as soon as heads up he got just about even with leader donk. Had this guy dead k7 vs k5 and the guy catches a 5. I was surprised how much live was like on line, same bad beats all the time. We said goodbye to the new friends made and I am sure will remain friends forever. These are all wonderful people. You never really know people on line, but all that I meet on this trip are tops, and if they ever need me or I need them we will be there for each other, even if its to watch there back for a sucker punch from a 75 yr old in a wheel chair. Last day is Friday, got red eye out. We have free buffet tickets at Sahara, so we pack our stuff and go get some free food. Buffet was not real good, kinda like the one in the strip mall in any town. Some meat, some fish, lotsa potatoes and a salad but it was free. We have about 20 minutes so we decide to sit at the video poker machine and finish out the trip. I play about $6 of the twenty I put in when I get this A spades A diamonds 10 spades Q spades 6 hearts Now this is an aces bonus machine and pays 400 quarters for four aces (I hit four aces 6 times this week) but this time I figure "WTF" and toss the A and 6 and hit the button and BAAAAAAM royal flush! I win $1000 four minutes before we have to walk out the door, only in Vegas. In closing I would like to thank Steve and Patti for all they have done to get me were I am today. I am not a butt muncher, but if it was not for them and the shark army alot of things in my life would be different and there is no way I could of even think about a trip to Vegas. About 10-11 months ago I was reading all the post about getting better, read books, get poker tracker and I decided I would give it a try. I took the twenty bucks I would normally put on a site and lose that week and bought Harrington’s book one. I spent my poker time the following week reading. It was a very boring read, but I was learning a ton. I decided to learn one part of poker and it would be No limit MTT's. The next week I got another book and read that. I only had $20 a week for poker so as long as I was buying books, I wasn’t playing poker. After two weeks I started playing, first tournament I went in I took 3rd then a second then a first then another first. Now I didn’t win or place in money every time, but the first month after reading two books and talking to various shark army member, I was up over $3000 in one month, no shit. Now I have not had a month like that since but I have not put one penny in a poker account since that day. My play is completely self paid; my Vegas trip was paid 100% by poker money. I have paid off major bills at home that would of taken years if ever to pay off. My wife encourages me to play and tells the kids "I am working" so leave me alone. Poker is like any other thing in life, you can hang around and piddle here and there but to be good you have to study. I still suck, but I am better than 80% of people on line and learning everyday. I know when someone outplays me. I know who the donk at the table is and I know this because of Steve, Patty, Gary, Mike, Clay, Chippies, Dan, Matt and at least twenty others in this group. DO WHAT THEY PREACH, STUDY, STOP THE FREEROLL HOOP, LEARN A GAME ANY GAME, LIMIT, NL, OMAHA, STUD, WHATEVER! Then use the information right here in this forum and ask questions. Talk to the better players. Look on sites for good players and watch em play. See what they play and how they play it, learn position, learn bank roll strategies, learn learn learn learn learn, then play, but after you learn all this stay off my table please. Thanks Steve and all the members of the army that have made my Vegas trip possible. Had a blast and can’t wait till next year. _________________ If it aint worth raisin it aint worth playin Shark Army Vet “ReelCrazy” Steve
Home from Vegas, Final #'s
Got up early Friday in Vegas, the warden did her usual awesum packing job and attempted to get her new mondo luggage under 50 lbs. They charge ya $25 if its over as I found out on the way down (61 lbs!) I pick it up and it feels like 58 to me. We head down for sum Starbucks and to check our luggage in the departing guests storage dealo. We have been using the Starbucks in that horseshoe deal where they trap you into walking by all those shitty stands where 20 salespeople all ask "soo, where ya from". The over/under on how many times you hear that in Vegas is 47 . I was over on this trip. Try this the next time one of these constant pests give you the big arm wave (come on over, i'm friendly vegas guy) huge smile and say "soooo, where ya from". Give him a bigger arm wave, bigger smile, say " where you from" and walk in the other direction. I tried it three times and they don't follow. Homey don't play dat. I'm in Vegas to have fun not hang with salesman looking to put me in the front row of some crappy show. We calculate that we have about 2.5 hours left to play poker, and get sushi. I have somehow not had any all week and i'm in need a sum bait. Finally got me honey bunny RAISIN to move up a level. Shes been playing well but is a lil down this week. Shes only played about 7 hours so far. We slide into the Mirage draggin the laptop (I won't check it) and we find a 6 handed 6/12 game for the warden to play. Her biggest game before this was 4/8 kill (mainly cause thats all we have at home). Shes nervous as anyone would be, but I have told her for a while shes ready. I think she will be better in a game not full of chasers. I buy in for 250 and drop my big ass into seat 5, raisin buys in for 260. It takes me about 30 min. to figure out this table is very nice. 3 passive callin stations, 2 chasers and one solid local. Oh Boy. This appears to be an excellent mix. Raisin is playing well and we are almost outa time (90 min. in) when this hand comes up: 6/12 Mirage Shark in mid position with KQd Larry seat 1 calls Curly 3 calls Shark (KQd) seat 5 raise to $12 fold fold fold Raisin (JJ) in BB seat 9 just calls (?) BORN! 4 playas see floppage of 8d 2d 10c raisin bets, fold, fold, Shark raises, Raisin calls. heads up Turn the pretty J "o" diamonds, ooops. BIG POT Raisin fires out $12, I raise and she re-raises!uh honey bunny....there be 3 lil diamonds out there, shark rayzes and dealer says "make it look like $48 miss". Before calling she says "whadda ya got". I retort "honeybunny, I would take the next bus to RENO in yer spot". She always thinks i'm bluffin so calls anyhoo. hehe. Riv don't pr the board and sharkmasta is golden again. We don't soft play each other or friends. I just don't think that will improve our game plus why not practice, her money is my money. She checks, I bet, call and I show her second nuts. I'm very proud of Patti for trying a bigger game. Shes on schedule to become a very good mid limit player. Couple more hands and the table broke and we are off to sushi at RA in the Fashion Mall. 1.5 hrs at Mirage Raisin -50 (was up until the big hand) Nature Boy Rick Flair (me) +330 Final trip tally for limit Poker Shark 5.5 hours +670 (good hourly, but didn't play much) Raisin 8.5 hrs -180 I dropped $80 at Roulette and didnt play any other games. 20th outa 83 no cash in only multi tourney, Caesars nooner. $150 cash (2nd) in Shark SNG 11 man, with $62 entry. I didn't pay for our trip with Poker (just had to much fun doing other things) but had a blast with our new friends. I also walked alot and checked out all the new poker rooms and the sweet new Wynn Hotel. Check out the waterfall at the front of wynn. I also enjoyed the Treasure Island Sirens Show. Beautiful girls dancin der a$$ets off. 20 min show and is way more fun then the old show. Get the blended Magarita on the dock, get the prem. tequila side dump/mix, drink yes baybeeee. $12 for this concoction. 2 will make you wobble. We also secured a small office space in Vegas for the Shark Empire (lol) and checked out apartments that cater to dogs/cats. We hope to be in Vegas soon for about 6-7 months a yr. We like the Summerlin area and the new Red Rock Casino might be our hangout when we move. It seems to be perfect for us. Great Poker room, super parking, 16 movie screens, killer seafood restaurants (7-8 restaurants) and a hi end food court that even has our fav burger joint (fatburger). try the shakes. Its part of the "Station" group that owns the GVR which is where they film "American Casino" reality TV show. Good show. They have nice comps for regulars and a friendly attitude. Condos start at 650K so we won't be living there. Its about 20-35 min from the strip depending on traffic. Just head west on Charleston and you will run right into this beautiful Casino. Check out the rock work on the structure. BIG dough. Heard it cost almost as much as the Wynn to build. Killer waitresses with naughty uniforms are a plus. I didn't get smacked in head once for lookin at breasteses this trip so our marriage appears to be solid (at least to casual observers, lol). I can't say "honey, look at those der perfect!" yet, but give me time. Props to nice guy in 8 seat next to me at Caesars tourney. Nick moved to Vegas 2 years ago and loves it. He guided me to his complex with nice 2 bd 2 bath 1200 sq ft apts. and 2 dog runs/park nearby. They have 2 beagles so Cody may have sum new friends soon. Thanks Nick! Beers are on me if we become neighbors. We want 2 bedrooms so friends/kids/family can visit and stay. Not sharing a bathroom is key also. Next trip we are staying at either the Red Rock or the TI. I'll write more Vegas stuff later, gonna fire up 3 tourneys now and hopefully pull off a nice cash today. I'm back to the real job tommorrow (selling Subarus) Have a fun weekend all! Sharkeeeee
Sippin adult beverages with.......
Password for Poker.com Freeroll 5/26 shark33 Shark Vegas Playas, Reel (steve), Born, Fred, GAR812, Bruce (shammy), and of course Sirens of Treasure Island cast members Raisin, Dawn, and Tammy. Don't ask about or even mention the Sharkette wet t-shirt contest organized by yers truly. I may have had a lil to much to drink in this next post, I hope you can figure it out. 7 Sharks accounted for. Gar and bud Fred arrive tommorrow that makes 9 Sharks for our first meet-up. Dinner at the Red Rock Tommorrow night on Raisin. Everyone is tired today but we had sum serious fun. Reel (Steve) and funny and much yunger wife Tammy are a gas. Born seems about 6-8 but says hes 6-5 (remeasure?) His girl Dawn is pretty and seems to like his bad beat stories. Reel has been beatin every limit game he has played since Sat., mostly 2/4 & 3/6(big surprise, he could torture 6/12 or higher here IMO) and went in the hole tonight early but still pulled out a small win. Born went on a heater at 3/6 and cashed about 200-250? at the mirage. I sat with them for a while but was card dead so moved to 6/12 and dominated. +250 in about 4 hrs. Raisin played 3/6 at another table and struggled -60. I Had no cards but agg play lead to sum sweet riv laydowns when I continuation bet with nuttin. Tilted 2 guys when I showed them no pr. This is a way better game for me. At home the 4/8 chasers won't lay down bottom pr. or a draw gone bad. 10/20 tomm. I called Bruce/Shammy but we didnt hook up. I'll call him in the mornin. I'm playin the Ceasars $130 nooner Tourney the next 3 days. This is the best event in town at that buyin. 40 min structure and 4000 chippies i believe. 3-5K for the win. Great group, can't wait to get sum sleep and hit it hard tomm. We'll get Dawn and Tammy into a SNG tomm. I'll try to post sum pics soon. We all got snockered and BORN made me drink Patron Teq w/me sieera nevada pale. Smoooooooooooooth. More a dat tomm. I'll write more later. Wish you were here!! Shark and Raisin __________________________ I'm a lil liqured in this next update. Hope you can figure it out. Man i'm bad about picture takin. Gotta get on that today. We had a great dinner last night at the new red rock casino. 7 entered as born and dawn couldnt make it at that time. It was all you can eat barbecue, ribs (beef, pork) beef brisket (best I have ever had) and kielbasa sausage. Potato salad (weak) and slaw (weak) beans (excellent I heard, I don't eat them) and several adult beverages washed it all down. I think its called the salt lick barbecue (3 1/2 stars outa 5) Poker may have came up once or twice but mostly just getting to know each other. Bruce (shammy), GAR, reel/tammy, Fred, shark and raisin did a quick tour of the fantastic casino then headed back to the strip. Patti and I are having the best vegas trip ever and i'll write sum better posts later. To much to do here. 95 sunny today and need to get sum sun on me pasty white poker player legs. I played 8/16 at Bellagio last nite (2am) and it was a great game. small win +100 in first 90 min. when the table broke. Saw David Williams and Chau Giang (does he ever go home) and David Levi. Heard I just missed Doyle, Greenstein and a few others playing directly behind us in "bobbys room". I have never bothered any celebs but I mighta bugged Doyle for an autograph. (50/50 depending on alcohol level) Previous nite I played 6/12 at mIRAGE and was +250 so and on way home from bellagio I stopped at Paris (I love the lil hats the pretty servers wear) and decided to donk it up at 3/6 for an hr or 2. folded first 3 hands, then flopped set of 10's and of course the 3 drunks paid me off for a 60. pot. I g0t the feeling the 4 drunk buds playin were about toast and 2 hands later the table broke. I tried to sell a short game but no takers. raisin and reel were at the MGM while I was playin paris and bellagio. Reel +100 approx patti -40. I'm now about +400 in only about 3 hrs play. just need to sit more. meeting up with all today for a sit n go and maybe rio parade in sky and free TI show. my goal to pay for our trip with poker is behind schedule. I'll get busy and put in 2 long sessions in the next 2 days, I hope. I'm a goofy goal setter but I won't cry if I don't get in the hours I need. I love checking out all the new rooms and casinos. Going to GVR today where they film one of our TIVO shows :american casino". Meeting this small group of friends is really fun. I think we are making friends that we can meet lots more in the years to came. Patti just called reel and tammy. Reel got 4th in the ballys $60. +125. 50 entered. nice cash sir. GAR812 is not yer typical poker legend. humble and really sweet (raisins words). we'll see his other side when we play a shark sit tonight before born/dawn head for airport/ I'm callin luxor now to set up a table for us. I think he will get great pleasure showing me that I should stick to my best game (limit). its on at 5pm GAR! Sounds like Fred is a ringer so I will be careful with his unknown a$$. more later. pics to I hope. hugs and kisses, sharkeeeee and raisin ______________________________ I'm a lil snockered in this next post, hope you can figure it out: News of the day! Gary812 played his first live multi table event today. Me and GAR entered the $130 buyin at Caersars Palace (daily at noon). Shark Legend GAR played brilliant and final tabled! 83 entered and it was a tough field. Approx 25 strong playas, 20 tight passives and 37 complete donks. Great structure w/40 min levels and 4K in chips. I snapped sum good shots of GAR right before he busted out when his 77 couldnt lick AKo. Nice cash sir! +250 and Shark scored $30 as I was smart enough to put him together and exchange 20% of our action. It looked like a good wager on his part early as I appeared to be the early chip leader about 2 hrs in with 26,000 chippies. I went out in 20th when I hit the turn hard and seat 1 made his gutshot with the same turncard (Q). I still had outs with the flush draw I had on the flop. missed it and it was nh, gg since he had my 24,000 covered by a whopping 200 chipsters. Final Board J 9c 2c Q blank Shark shows AQclubs Mr Clean (nice bald guy) shows K 10 I'll post the full hand in the blog. Good event, Congrats to Shark Legend GAR! Good trip! In the Shark Sit N Go it was a $65 buyin with Born, GAR, REEL, Shark, Raisin and Fred battling 5 unknowns for a $400 first prize and 150 second. Shark added 50. for top Sharkey or Sharkette and $30 for 2nd Shark/eete. Saved meself sum cashish finishing second overall. My K7 couldnt beat the dominated K5 and again it was nh gg. $30 to newest shark member FRED who played very well. GAR was first out when his sweet set 888 got all in against KK and was rivered by a flush. Shitty structure at the Luxor (not recommended) 250 chips (5/10 blinds) and 15 min levels. Mirage is a good, cheaper SNG. 1000 chips, $70 buyin 15 min levels. We'll play there next trip. Poker gods have been kind to us so far. I have everyone up playing ring. REEL, me, Raisn and BORN in limit. GAR and Fred are cashing in on the drunk 1/2 no limit at the Imperial Palace the last 2 nights. I had my first losing session last night but only dropped 90 at the Mirage playing 6/12. The table broke when the ATM's wouldnt play 5-6 handed with a reduced rake. How ya gonna learn to play short if ya run everytime a game gets a lil light? WEAK... Same thing at Bellagio 9/18 nite before. It was 5am so that mighta been part of it at Bellagio to be fair. Maybe sum day they will set up a few short tables just like on the net? Saw Ivey, Hennigan, Chau, Joe Bartholdi playin in Bobbys Room about 3 am last night. Finally got sum good pics of our great crew! A special thx to BORN and Dawn. 5 hr flight each way and 3.5 hr drive each way to airport. That with a very busy schedule, upcoming tests and Dawns a mom too! I hope the huge commitment was worth it...We sure are glad ya made it. It was fun finally meeting my special ops director and lovely TI Siren Dawn. More in the blog later. REEL promised a guest blog on the trip and will surely have sum good stories. Don't ask him about getting hypnotized on stage at the Riviera (not spose to mention what happened), Also don't ask me about callin the riv with the nuts (boat), saying nc then havin it pointed out that I had the best hand for a $200 scoop (5 pale ales should not preceeed poker on empty stomach). Good thing I showed the winner. That Gary812 feller now calls me full house. Our next meetup will have more good times and more hugs from us, Shark and lil Raisin.
Shark Army Team Dismantles Competition
Password For the 5/23 Absolute Freeroll is shark3Large PROPS to our Shark Army Team of check raisin, donk slayin', parolees and No Limit animals. Captain Clayshooter has somehow organized this band of misfits into a well oiled (some nites really well oiled....) machine that is climbing the ladder at Pokerroom for sum nice cashish and serious braggin rights. They started late in the game and are climbin in a rapid fashion. Top Shark Army playa Stewnana who hails from Portland currently is blogging about my guys. VegasJJ one of our Top Ladies will be playing on the Shark Team 2 soon. Heres Stews fine blog. Tune in and support him STEWIE!We now have a Forum thread devoted to Team play here Team Shark Bad MofosThey are playing for sum nice cashish also. Me and the warden (Raisinhavok) will be in Vegas this Monday to meet about 15 Shark members for fun and frollick. We'll post pics and have some good stories in the forum soon. I'm buying dinner on tues night and will be tossin added money into sum tough sit n gos that we will spread. We'll see if Gary812 will continue his dominance of my lagg a$$. I have beat him in one hand (2 years) that I can remember and that was a blind steal with him in the SB. Early lines for Shark Convention below: Should be a great week! I'm posting odds of 3-1 that we have to bail out Born (Clark Co. Jail) and 4-1 that I go on tilt and Gar3:16 or whatever he goes by puts a submission hold on me and I get choked out when he rivers a flush to beat my flopped set. Whoooooooooooooooooooo. Gar can bench press economy cars. I found out today why the Imperial Palace is so cheap. They don't change the sheets! Don't tell the warden!! I'm bummed that many friends will not make our first Convention. Especially long time friends Joanne (sempaiijo) and Pokerpadre (Guy), awesume partner BeerMike, great friends Doug "connjure", Netsurfer John, Chip_Trix Michelle. Tito, Taj,cev2nd (lee) and so many more. We hope to meet you all in the next few years. I may even have a nice hairpiece by then to impress the crew. I'm forgetting a bunch but its late and i'm gettin misty (lol). If you pray please put in a good word for Jo and Guy. She is still fighting bad health and will make the next Vegas run! Three new Shark sites will be upcoming Freeroll hosts. Click and register NOW to play these sites soon! Fish Tank (Now at Interpoker Software) You must re-register if you are a previous Tank/Shark player at the Tank. Also many Shark Freerolls planned here for "Shark Registered" players $1000 Freeroll in a couple weeks! No Qualifying, open to all! This event will fill up fast, register at the Tank now and stay tuned here for a date in the next few days. Pro Scott Fischman will be entered if available. Shark tee if you knock out Shark or Scotty! Email with sizes if you launch us. Dream Poker Pokershare______________________ From time to time I will re-post my favorite rants or posts. Here is one of my all time favorites. Enjoy my friends, Guy and Joanne as they show some Shark aggression. Can you imagine the look on these poor peoples (mostly serious newbs) faces as Jo did her now patented check raise with half her stack!! ha! "scuse me dealer, I have to go to da baffroom". Dealer: "Ahh sir, the lady with the stack that has the whole room covered just put the action on you, you must act before changing yer shorts"! ha! How bout the shirts? Ah...ummmm....ahhh..Newb to Guy "what exactly is an "onlineshark"? Well we play about 20 tourneys a month "every month" against large fields and really great players like Born and best freeroll and low buyin player in the world Gary812. Our guru "Shark" tells us to crush players and have no mercy while you smack talk them and put down close family members and make them feel inadequate. Joanne and I enjoy stomping unskilled players until they have no desire to play Poker again. We don't like to play fields that are less than 500 but this is for charity, correct! A little background on this Guest post from my good friend and Shark Vet Guy "pokerpadre". Padre and his bride (Sempai JoAnn) have been on our Tour since almost the start (2 years now). They are very popular and are strong players. They had no trouble adopting my "fold or raise" aggressive style that I have preached in too many of my emails. As a matter a fact.....JoAnn comes over the top everytime I bet. hmmmm...I just realized that. BORN! But more important, they have supported me (ask to help often), gave me ideas and just are great people. I don't do many man hugs but Guy is getting one when we finally meet and JoAnn is getting several when I meet my virtual pals. Both Sharkees were sporting their lucky and striking Shark logo tee as they tear thru this live Tourney (their first live play). I think handling the chips was the hardest part for both! ha! They know what to do when it's their action! Another Shark Tee and Fish Tank hat for the Guest post. Thx buddeee... Okay, on to the great story On a very quiet Wednesday afternoon I was reading the local free newspaper looking for anything going on that would fit our budget. Suddenly the word POKER caught my eye! Poker? Here in Columbia SC?? No way! Yes way! A tiny two inch by one inch noticeannouncing a charity poker tournament to benefit theJuvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. They're having it the day after tomorrow! Seating is limited! Entry is $50 each!! Payday is NEXT week, and for both of us (myself and Sempai JoAnn) to play would cost $100. Bummer! Well, we missed this one, but I'll call to see when/if there will be another in the area. Nope, this is it for now. IF the event is a success they MIGHT try again NEXT YEAR!!! "Oh, by the way, the newspaper was in error. The admission is only $25 per person, but the seating is limited and filling up fast!" Wow $25??! Hmmm. maybe we should skip pizza Friday night? Hey, it's POKER!!. Within a half hour of the phone conversation I was standing in the office filling out two registrationf orms and handing over $50 and contemplating a week of macaroni and cheese dinners. Finally, registered for our first live poker tournament. A fast drive home to give JoAnn the good news and HER question is "Where's lunch?". Oops, guess it's PB & J today. After the sandwiches I started e-mailing people who I thought might be interested and also logged into a couple of sites looking for SC players to let them know there was a local live tourney. Now to find out how well 1 1/2 years of online play has prepared us for live play. Friday, Aug 19th, 2005, 7:00 PM, and here we are just an hour early for the fun to start. We sign in, find a seat (seating will be by lottery when we start), and watch the pandemonium. Guess what? They've never organized a poker tournament before;1000 chips? 2000? 5000?; 8 people per table? 9? 10?;15 minute levels, 20? 30? End result 10 players pertable (no elbow room) and 15 minute levels and 1000 chips to start, no add-ons; 10 minute break every hour. Tables were eventually adjusted to seat 62players. Half the volunteers didn't even know how to play poker. I wish I could say the same about the players, lol. Out of the 62 people entered there were some questionable players, but there were also who had been playing online for a while and some who have been to B& M casinos before, an interesting blend of characters. When we got started they fudged the lottery a bit and chose to put me and Sempai at the same table (I think so I could help her with her wheelchair), but after a few hands we were both moved to different tables, people were dropping like flies. I think by then they figured out that JoAnn certainly didn't need my help, she was kicking butt! We were put at adjacent tables, but my back was to her so I couldn't see too much of her action. I occasionally would check with the chip runners or Tournament Director to ask if she was ok and the usual reply was "Oh Yeah, she's doing fine." Meanwhile I ended up going all in and taking a huge pot (need to get their photo of that one) and started having trouble stacking chips fast enough to be ready for the next hand. A couple of times I missed a hand or two, because of no experience handling physical chips. Definitely a good problem to have, but made simpler when the Director broke out the purple 5000 chips to color me up. While I was busy stacking chips, Sempai JoAnn got moved again. Now there was just my table and her table! A lot of the original players had left by now and the room had quieted down as the game intensified.That made it easier to concentrate on strategy and using my stack of chips to control the table. I'll tell you one thing, it sure is easier to trap fishwhen you have a huge stack and play ( or is thatprey?) patiently, crushing them when they try to make a move. We were down to just four players left at my table and we were all watching Sempai's table waiting for their hand to end so we could merge and become The Final Table. Very quiet room. Looking at my chips and making room on the table for my cards, I was hoping they would be moving to my table. If I had to move to Sempai's table I would have to re-stack my chips over there and I was too keyed up with adrenaline to want to waste time not playing. Time to move! Oh well, it's better than not having chips to stack at all. Table move also served as break time and photo opportunity (another of their pictures I need to get). A couple of people also used my camera to capture the moment, Sempai JoAnn andPokerPadre at their first live Final Table! Now I had to worry some because I'm up against someone who has watched me play for the last year an a half. And she has a stack of chips!! Danger Will Robinson, Danger,Danger!! LOL I start out tight/aggressive, trying to get a feel for the table dynamics without risking too much. Seems there is a very lucky player to my right, and JoAnn is two seats to my left. Tough combination. Lucky Girl is getting a lot of help from dealer voicing what her actions are. If he says are you raising, she raises; are you folding, she folds. Also a lot of string betting for her. First few hands at beginning of the tournament, ok. MAYBE, but FINAL TABLE? Uh uh, I spoke up (not sure if it was politely), and voiced my displeasure. She was costing me chips. A lot! OK, no more string bets, no more coaching fromside lines, let's play poker! Well, well, what do we have here? PocketRockets!! 7 players at the table. A LOT of chips in the pot. I slow played my hand, letting the pot get bigger and setting the trap. The Flop: 3h 5c 9s,looking good, bet 2BB, four people still in. The Turn:8d, 2BB again, all three call. The River: As!!! Again, slow played 2BB, again all three opponents stay in. Sempai is low stack and puts last of her chips in, Other Guy calls, and Lucky Girl raises. I look at the chips, I look at the players ( especially Sempai andLucky Girl) and say " I guess that puts me all in."Other Guy folds and I smile (not realizing I just wiped out my wife, oops) and flip over my Aces. Most of the people were saying "Wow" while JoAnn was saying" I had that!! I had two pair! How could you do that to me?" Again I was busy stacking chips, and didn't realize I hadn't even said "Good game" to my wife. She was NOT happy wheeling back away from the table. I missed a couple of hands again, doing my table house keeping, but started playing more aggressively. We were down to a short table of six and I wanted to press my advantage. Gradually the table thinned and it was myself, Other Guy, and Lucky girl. Then there were two! Me and Other Guy, time to go super aggressive.Pretty much raise ( or all in) or fold. We trade a few hands back and forth, more him than me, when I getQcKc and go all in, hoping to take the considerablepot and gain chip advantage again. Oh oh, he calls!As6d, I'm in trouble. Flop: 10d 5d 4s Turn: Jd River: Ad I MADE MY STRAIGHT!! OOPS!!!??? Other Guy takes me out with his FLUSH! ARRGGHHHH! So close and then the sudden crash. 3 1/2 hours of intense fun. Great rush, great crash. Can't wait for the next time. Writing this brought back some of the rush that I felt that night and also reminds me, I CAN play poker. Great fun on the Shark tour this week. If you have a good story, or just want to post to get a FREE shirt send me an email. If it gets posted you score a nice Shark Tee. It doesn't have to be Poker related, but that helps yer chances. Send a small pic of yer bad self also. Guy "PokerPadre" Shark Vet
Old War Story
Writing has been difficult lately. I use to hate all the bloggers that wrote posts every month or so but now I realize what they go thru. It gets old talking about yourself. I'm going to try to get better about finding new topics and funny stuff that hopefully a few will find amusing and keep me from getting bored stiff.If anyone has any creative ideas for my blog let me know. If you have been kicked out of a bar or been in a funny fight go to our Forum and post it here: 8 balled I find girls fighting strangely erotic so please share if you are a grrrrrl. Heres a lil fun I had about 15 years ago in a bar. I almost got tossed outa a bar in Everett, WA (JimmyZ's) but they decided to send the 4 clowns that started a fight with me instead (I knew the owner, Jimmy). I made the mistake of wearing a tie (just got off work) to a dumpy rock n roll bar and this Indian chick in a Tavern jacket didn't appreciate me over dressing. I was standing by myself getting ready to watch the first band come on and she walks up to me, grabs my tie and says "whadda ya wearin a tie for" as she squeezed it with her dirty hands. I said "thats a $80 tie and if you don't let go of it we gonna have a big problem". I think she realized I meant bidness so she scampered away. Out of the corner of my eye I see her telling 3 guys at the bar something and shes even pointing at me. Great....here we go. About 2 minutes later Larry, Curly and Moe are walking my way (they have to pass in front of me to leave, narrow area). I got a feelin they might try something although none of them look like they would be a favorite in any fight. But still its a possible 3 on 1. Sure enough the 3rd one decides to defend the 170 lb injun chicky with the bad skin, teeth and tavern jacket. The first 2 pass by me and the 3rd one throws a semi weak elbow that lands on my shoulder. I was ready and instantly landed a sweet left to the jaw that left us 2 on 1 if his friends wanted to impress pocahontas also. As the other 2 turned towards me I got ready to go again (they didnt seem very interested since their friend was not getting up) and I was hit from the side (pocahontas circled around!) with a weak punch to the eye. The adrenaline was going now, I turned to see who had hit me and I grabbed her by the throat with 2 hands, lifted her off the ground and body slammed her str8 back. I think I could hear the air go outta her when she hit. I got ready to ground and pound her and was quickly buried by 2 bouncers. My friend Jimmy (owner) grabbed me after they all got off of me and said I had sum splainin to do. All that the bouncers had seen was me getting ready to pound sum chick that was experiencing problems breathing. Nice family bar! We had a beer and I described our lil dance. He booted them all out and bought my beer. I didn't wear a tie there again and i'm pretty sure pocahontas won't sucker punch anyone again. Note: I did receive a nice black eye outa the deal.
Card Dead and More Added Money Events!
Played a little 4/8 at the Drift on Inn, in N. Seattle last night. The warden wanted to take 2 cars since she thought I would play all night but we took one since my desire to play has been weak lately. Only 1 table going so I got the 1 seat and Patti got 3. We played for 4 hours until she got tired and I got sick of looking down at rags. My biggest pocket pair was 88 (flop of A Q 10) 6 see flop. And my only set was rivered by the usual suspect (flush draw). Grumpy table, 1 near fight (steamin black guy flicked big winner in head hard with index finger). He had been tossed from the room before that and decided to escalate his steam as he was being escorted out. I got him going earlier when I showed a bluff after he made a big laydown. Probably wasn't very nice of me since he had dropped about $300 in 1 hour playing every hand and trying to run the table over. Thats never a good strategy when half the table will chase any draw to the riv. He was an idiot, slow roller, smack talker so I couldn't help myself. Buh Bye. I ended the shitty night -130, but Patti played well and won $110. I'll have some decent posts this month since our Shark Convention will be May 22-26. Maybe I can get the warden to make a post or 2 also. Our NEW SHARK schedule is up. I still need to add 2 Omaha Events. Notice the added money has doubled at many of our low buyin events! We need more support at these and this should do the trick. If we have a $5 event with 40 players and the add is $200 that is a 100% overlay! Please register and play NOW! So far we only have 10 players that have qualified for our $1000 Freeroll at Poker.com. Patti and I will be qualifying this week which makes 12 players for a $1000 purse! Check out details here to qualify and play. My partner "Mike the Beer Man" at Checkrayz Poker is doing a great job with fun small field Tourneys, strong bloggage, and Checkrayz Leaderboard. If you have not registered with Mikes site yet get over there now, register and play.