2600 hands, Tunnel Vision & Carpal Tunnel

The NL experiment continued with my 4th and 5th sessions. Winner! 5 for 5 and it appears i'm ready to move up. NL100 is fun bois, grrrls and mental deficients.
I'm always mentioning that I wouldnt complain EVER if just a few bad beats went for me instead of against me. I understand that if yer money is going in good most of the time that you need to expect more bad beats then good. Check out this lil diddy I pulled on a super nice villain "reming" I believe. He didnt whine and it was a huge pot. The money got all in on the flop. We chatted about this sick cooler that went against me, then against him to take his stack. We agreed all the money was getting in on the flop no matter what the turn/riv brought. He made a nice comeback after this beat and didnt give up.
The short stack was a distant third, I was second until the purdy ACE hit the turn and wiped out that yung mans hopes and dreams.

This hand above almost got me even after 2000 hands today. Then this set below arrived about 15 min later. The villain was smack talkin the whole table, callin us idiots and bad words that I had never heard or seen typed before. I made a note to self "trap loser boy ASAP" and this hand came up shortly thereafter. Poor bastard. ChaChing!

This is the PERFECT flop in this low limit game. They think AK is the nutz before the flop and when an A or K hits it is the nutz. I lol'ed. nh sir! Its only a PAIR sphincter boy.
We got it all in on the flop. Loser boy was quiet and outa smack talk in the aftermath. Poker is lotsa fun sumtymes.
Still having trouble with AA/ 11 times today and -21 including two runnins with KK allin preflop. Lost both to riv cowboys. So a struggle for 8 hrs and a great last hr (9 hrs str8 session) at the puter to pull off a nice +200 day. Had KK a VN 16 times but only +100, Ran into AA twice and went down both times hard. Thats 6 max. Lotsa hands, good action and weak passive limpers at every table.
The amount of blinds and limps you steal from these guys blows me away. I saw this action at least 20 times today. Is anyone watching what i'm doing? Limp,limp,limp, I raise 5X on the button SB folds BB fold, all limpers fold and I steal their lunch monies. You don't need a hand. If one calls and an Ace or King flops you bet they go buh bye. I don't anticipate NL200 being like this, so i'll enjoy for now.
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