Done with limit. No Limit Baybeee!

2 long sessions in the books (NL 100 buyin). about 4000 hands. Made many mistakes but overall played well. Was up $520 in first 3 hrs then got pounded by mini monsters beatin by lge monsters.
Had AJs and flop came AJ6. We got it all in on turn when a blank hit. He had 66. ty dealer!
Booked two small wins. Thx for sweat Born! I caught a nice heater when he showed and stacked 3-5 guys.
4 tables are easy and when I get proficient 6-8 should be fine. (6 max).
I dialed in my stats last night. They are close to what I want after reading and datamining hard the last 10 days or so.
Pre rayz 16.5
Steal 33
total aggro 3.4
Pulled off many bluffs, value bet the river hard, and punished the weak/passive/limpers. Need to work on not pushing overpairs so hard. That cost me $200 when my 10 10 met AA on flop of 2 8 7 (flush draw flop) and 99 met AA again on a board of 2 6 7 (flush draw flop). ITS ONLY A PR! I was rollin and cocky and pushed when the flop betting got heavy. Newb mistakes that I will no doubt do often for first month or 2. Its easy to think you are ahead with overpairs because many of these monkeys will go allin with a flush draw. They often have only 30-60 in front of them and when I see a flush draw flop I think they wanna play for it all with da draw. Thats not always the case as I learned when I shipped $200 across the table.
Today I am data mining for tonights session. Tilt allows 15 tables to open which is vn for massive mining. I purged all my LIMIT hands (and raisins) from the data base. I'm serious about not going back to limit. Now PT runs much faster.
Had a blast. Nice to use your brain instead of brainless limit. Gonna try to get in 3000 hands tonight. In the last month I have earned 2 full tilt hoodies, 2 tilt "page & tuttle micro fiber full zip" jackets (these are very nice but run huge). Go 1 size smaller than normal. And 2 long sleeve mock tees (run reg on size). These are very nice quality also. This is all at lower limits so you can score even better swag as you move up.
An excellent thread was started by me buddee Troutkiller (Dan) in the Shark Forum. Here is my response to his problem of being shortstacked
often in Tourneys. There are many more great responses in there. ReelCrazy (Steve) always has good input.
Tournament Short Stackers Thread
From above thread, Shark wrote:
Watch the Prof Players Poker Tour. There is an episode that Fischman goes in hyper mode early much like Arieh, Phan and others do 24/7.
Its a clinic. They call call call when he has monsters and he pushes them off their hands with draws or nadda. Try this a little at a time until you feel comfy. I'm still not great or even good at it but you gotta do it a ton to get it down.
Open for a raise, bet yer draws (or nuttin) like its the nuts, especially heads up. Or Reraise a pre flop rayzor with 98s or 66. When the flop comes A 10 2 or K 10 2 continuation bet 3/4 pot and take it down You created a nice pot with aggro play.
This is sometimes difficult against calling stations. You need to identify them early. Usually lower limit players or freerolls. Identify the stations early. They are gonna chase any draw, don't respect position and wanna see all 7 cards. I think it works way better in $30-$100 buyins then our $5 buyins. Better players have seen what happens when they raise, get rerayzed and call. Low buyin players often just call. Hey, I got money in there I can't laydown. These are the guys you wanna trap with yer monsters. Get them outa there so you can get the weak passive guy in that chair.
Many are playing to survive or make the money. This use to be me.
These players think all reraises are monsters especially pre. Imagine what you would do with KK or AA pre then bet 98s like that. Its still a helluva hand if ya get called. And man, when the flop comes 7 10 J or with a low flush draw you might get all da dough in da middle against AA KK QQ.
This play works great in NLring also. I did it about 10 times in 1800 hands last night. It worked everytime. (thx for excellent sweat bornholio!). I did it with nadda against very aggro pre flop rayzors mostly. They like to bully the table with big raises with like A10o or QJs. They fold meekly when I rerayz pre (playing .50/1.0, they std rayz usually to 3.5, I re to 10 bucks, continuation bet flop and they usually just fold. Can they even continue if an ACE hits with A10s? Its dangerous. They might get stacked by AK. This is the power of aggro play. You pick up pots that many are just spectators in. Plus you set an image that you are the wrong guy to bully or steal from. They'll find a different huckleberry.
Chip accumulation. I can't wait to start playing every day, good structure, medium buyins in Vegas. Repetition, practice, try different moves. I wanna be the guy at the table that you can't read and don't wanna play against.
Are you a fan of the WHO? I just watched the DVD "Quadra, Live, Tommy" that came out last yr. What a great DVD. Billy Idol plays the drunken bellboy (very funny) and Pete Townsends brother Simon is great also.
This and REM's Perfect Square (best dvd all time) are my favorite DVD's. Anyone have any suggestions on other rock DVD's? I have the RUSH one (came out last yr, so-so) and Bad Company live merchants of cool (good).
If you enjoy watching great drummers check out Neil Peart of RUSH in their DVD released last year "R30". From the overhead shot of him it shows him surrounded by 18 drums and about 16 cymbals. Completely surrounded. I counted the drums but got bored counting cymbals so rounded that off to approx.
If you think there is a better rock drummer I call bullshyt. I heard he recently lost his wife to cancer and daughter to a car wreck.
Paul Rodgers voice blows me away on the Bad Company DVD..
All you can eat baybee!
Fifteen tables max at tilt with no miniview... Are you really that hardcore or do you have 3 monitors to do that? ;-D
Good skill (and luck)
Thanks for all your help in that thread, bud. Someday when I figure it all out, I'll credit you in my book.
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