Poker, Let it Ride and Wife Swappers

Just a FYI, I will never, ever say in this blog "sorry, I have not blogged in a while". Usually when bloggers say that they don't post again for 2 months. I'll post when I fuggin wanna and if my 32 readers get upset I can handle the heat. Bring it, ladies.
I just made the wife swapper deal up to get more hits so if you thats why you're here you might be disappointed.
My Dad heads down to Vegas a couple weeks ago to play a lil Let it Ride at Ballys. Hes got $50 $50 %50 out and 5 bucks on the "3 card prop bet". Hes dealt KK rag (its a 10's or better game to win) so he stays on all three bets. Bingo next card is the K, set!! River CASE KING! Thats about $8K ladies and mens. Tip the dealer 4 hundy and feelin good about the $155 wager.
So now hes a Let it Ride guru and is heading back down tommorrow. His fav dealer will be there and he says hes gonna take em down. I'm trying to get him on a +EV game ( but hes on a roll so we'll see if he can beat them this trip. I think that game sucks but then I have never hit quads there either.
Dad and stepmom Sharon took us out to a VN din din at the Casino for my birffday last night and a good time was had by all. Crab encrusted halibut for sharkee, killer bread, trey absolute tonics and a nice apple crisp for dessert. Raisin had the halibut and pumpkin burnt creme.
So we head home since I am sick of live ring and I wanna spend one of the $75 tourney coupons I won that day (won 2 wednesday). Crank up the Full Tilt, decide not to take a run at Ivey sittin at 1000/2000 (my PT says I can beat him, BR says I don't have enough to even chat with him).
Jump in the 7K guarantee and 223 players will soot up for a top prize of 4,000. 5 hours later (4am est) I finished 5th for a VN $1100 cash. My game is improving and last night I did it with mediocre cards. If the deck starts cooperating I will be blogging about a big win soon. I knew I was in deep doo doo when I had KK twice in BB (final table) and all folded to me. With 3 giant stacks that only happened a few times in 2 hrs at final table. We were 7 handed for almost an hour. Good match.
Good low limit Pokertracker thread going in the forum right now. Clik here donkey boy
If you have not posted in the forum lately help out a tired, broken down, one toofed (its extremely sharp) shark out and make a post. If you prefer not to please post your address here in the comments section and i'll get my cleaner (BORN) to stop in for a fresca.
We have a freeroll at this Saturday! Shark November Pool Partay. Put bandaids on yer nipples its gonna be chili. Vet Series resumes this Sunday. Knock me out of the Vet and you will be outfitted with a shark bad a$$ tee. email me your info.
Support our sites! Absolute, and others are working hard to allow all of my laggy donkelicious gamblin degenerates to soot up for VN added monies!
I asked the warden if we could do sum wife swapping soon since I heard it was fun and a good way to meet new friends. She smacked me head and said i'm not funny.
I'm going to 6 table 2/4 to 3/6 short limit at Full Tilt the next 2 days, come by and say howdy if you are on the site. My goal is 10,000 hands by Sunday.
The games there are very nice. Tip: Play the 18 man, 2 table tourneys also. Top 5 get a $75 tourney chip and sixth gets $57. I'm stockin up on TChips since these are very easy to cash in. One double up early and you can practically coast to the money. They have 3 $75 buyins daily and they are filled with bad sattelite winners. Great MTT and some are double stack events. So you are playing in a 10K or 7k MTT for $26 if you cash in one of these 18 man deals. Look for RaisinHavok at Tilt.
Shout out to me buds:
Joey from Oregon. Great NL MTT playa and world wrestling federation shill
Poker Blog!
Gumby Blog, Strong poka skilz and great writing from this shark vet
Headwaiter Sports Sports Betting guru and shark Vet. Get yer picks from a pro.
I missed a few more friends, i'll add more next time. I gotta get back to the tables. A heater of large magnitude is upcoming. I can feel it!
Hi Steve. Happy belated 25th b-day or did I get those numbers reversed (52) ;-)
Nice tourny finish and 4 digit cash! Keep 'em up!
Happy Birthday Steve! Thanks for noticing me. I need to get a new computer. Just missing the HUGE cashes at Full Tilt. 4 cashes in last 5 tourneys. The last one I went out early with KK to a 8-J-Q flop. Guy limp called a big preflop raise with 9-10. Not a NH, not a GG. I'm out!
Glad to see that you're doing well there. I love the 2 table token satellites there. I am only doing the $6 or $8 ones for the $26 token. Need a bigger BR right now. Kinda tight.
Take it easy,
Thx for droppin in boys! 47 years old with a bad ticker, one toof and a strong desire to wear womens clothing on weekends.
Check out this beat last night. I got AKs and we get cappage pre. Flopp comes K2K. Bet raise, reraise. HU. Turn 8. Bet raise re. lol. Riv 8. bet raise, oopps. Thats right kids hes got 88 for run run quads. This is the fun stuff that happens when you play 2600 hands in one day. I guess he didnt put me on a KING.
man hugs, sharkeee
Holy shit, that's a terrbile beat. What an act of retardation to cap that flop with 8s... I assume this sucka eventually went broke to you (or the rest of the table, but hopefully you) in the end I pressume...
Hugs and hand bounds,
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