The Sky Is Not Falling! Positives from New Law

No More PartyPoker TV ads!
Fewer shitty sites. StingBet? Sense Poker? Metro Pokeri? Piraya Poker?
More room on your PC. You can see your desktop again.
#1!! More donks will come to mainstream sites like Absolute, Full Tilt, UB. These "fringe" weak sites were full of shitty players. Fresh blood into the shark pool!
I anticipate more consolidation in the poker business. Less sites and the strong getting stronger. UB has offered us something they never have before. Big Freeroll and buyin with huge adds. They are going to get aggressive signing orphan players from all the weak sites that ran away scared. What does UB need more than anything? BAD PLAYERS!
They have a rep of having to tuff of games. That should now change. Best software in the business, UB might become a great place to play.
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