Anyone else work for an INEPT boss?

I do.
Woke up.
Worked on the new site ( sharks vegas strip ) till 1. Took the warden sum flowers (5th anniv today) kissed her, went to work.
Got to work late, got a call from a customer that I have been trying to sell a new Subaru to for 5 weeks. Great guy, he said 5 weeks ago he would buy from me once his money from St Croix was here. He has lived there the last 4 years, Anyhoo, I have spent maybe 8 hours with him in 2 visits and several phone calls the last month.
He calls and says, "hey didnt your general mgr tell you I stopped in (again) last week?" he didnt. If I was inept enough to help our Gen Mgrs. customer and then not tell him or leave a note for him I would be pounded into submission by my horrible lack of professionalism. And he would be correct.
"ya, hes great....he told me I could have it for just over cost when I was ready".
My customer was thrilled cause I had told him the sticker price was fair and reasonable (it is on Subarus).
So my 8 hrs of work and $400 commission was turned into a $100 commission. The customer is a great guy and was more then happy to let me make a fair profit. Our Gen Mgr is to inept to understand that its not about money or the "deal". Its about treating customers great for 5 weeks so they are happy to pay a fair price and let you make some profit to feed your family.
He doesnt care. His check is huge whether I sell it for sticker price or not. Lots of incompetents out there. Sometimes you work for them. I hate working with untrained, mediocre car people. But the Gen. Sales Mgr.?
Do you work for someone that isn't qualified to sell hot dogs in front of home depot?
Welcome to Sharkeees world. Nine more months.
Went home, took warden to nice dinner, had 3 full sail pale ales and now goin to bed.
Shitty day at work, great wife.....things could be worse.
1. without skill or aptitude for a particular task or assignment; maladroit: He is inept at mechanical tasks. She is inept at dealing with people.
2. generally awkward or clumsy; haplessly incompetent.
3. inappropriate; unsuitable; out of place.
4. absurd or foolish: an inept remark.
"All of the ABOVE"
How many bb/hour did that car sale net you? Just trying to find humor in a bad situation. That sucks!
I believe that the best managers have worked their way up. They were car washers, then salesmen, then managers, then GMs. Or food runners, waitors, bartenders, GMs.
I can relate this to Chris Moneymaker. Great guy for poker, created the boom, but won online as a decent player. Then won the main tourney as a decent player. He may have gotten better, but we haven't seen much more of him.
My $0.02! I'll bill ya!
Hi Steve,
Congrats on your 5th Anniversary with Patty. Didn't know she has put up with you that long. How much more can she take!! But hopefully til the end Masta Shark!
good line there gummed one. I lol'ed then told me lab he wouldnt be eatin this week.
thx for checkin in.
hey JoE
thx for the congrats. I WaY over chicked as you well know.
Its not easy to find a pretty grrrl that will let you beat her kids.
Hope mom and Jonny Chan are well.
see ya in Vegas May/07
Best Regards,
Yeah Shark, I know how you feel. An INEPT boss, and that is being kind, is the entire reason I quit my last job. They have someone with 24 years of Food and Beverage experience in a place where no one has a clue what they are doing and they dump all over me. 18 hour days, 100+ work weeks, etc... while my boss takes every weekend off. No job is worth all of that!
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