Rollercoaster Ride at Full Tilt

I was due for a bad session after 6 or seven winners in a row and then jinxed myself by mentioning to the warden I had not had a losing session in a while. I got home from work about 7PM and took 6 seats in the 100nl buyin at 8pm. 13.5 hours later the roughest poker session ever was over. Check out this one outer in the thumbnail above. We got all the cashish in on the turn. I saw a few 2 outers hit as well, but 1 outers always get mention in me blog.
I'm not complainin' bout the beats. I was due for this since the cards were good all week. I was down $500/5 buyins about 6 hours in and staring at a large hit to my bankroll. I dug in and posted a sweet $94 win after 4788 hands which will also pay me $104 buckers in rakeback, a $198 win! Not a good hourly rate but i'll take it.
As always I played a few hands too aggressively. Note to self: When you have notes that bad guys "call all bets" don't bluff nimrod. But something different occurred in this session. Usually I enjoy all the "shorties". These guys buy in for 20 or 30 bucks and just push n pray. The idea is, they can't get outplayed post flop. Push it in early and hope for the best. I have always done well against these "non-players" and enjoy when they sit down to play that "allin game". Do you have NO skilz? Sit down with me sum night, wait for AK, AQ or a pair and push pre. I will welcome you sir/miss since you are weak, talentless, scared of playing a flop or maximizing your big pairs. You win 30 bucks when KK arrives, a real player makes 5 times that often.
I couldn't beat them this session. I was usually ahead after their daring push but it didnt matter. Ahead? Behind? Coin flippage? IT DIDN"T fukkin matter. I was a shortie ATM for 8 hours. I got a lil tilty between 4 and 6am but after 3000 hands I get grumpy even if i'm winnin. 6 tablin for that long is really tough. My 47 yr old back hurts and starts crampin' up so I spray biofreeze on it and start icing it. I could quit but i'm stuck 5 hundo. Party on Garth.
Intermission from rant:

So i'm getting pummeled by no skilz shorties and my lab decides to lay at my feet and fart for a few hours. Good times. I finally went to bed at about 10am slept, 5 hours (sounds like my vegas sleep schedule), wrote this rant and now i'm takin the missus out for the vn Keg appertizers. I recommend the sliders. They make these lil burgets out of ground prime rib. oh boy.
I'm proud of my 14 hr session where I got my ass kicked for 10 hours. The last 4 hours I made about $600. The old Sharky couldn't have done that. I kept a good attitude, changed seats many times and dug out a win. Most of the players are bad. Some nights, good things happen to bad players. Hang in there, think about how you have made a huge comeback before, jerk that smoke wagon and go to work mister (or missy, as always I am politically correct).
I'm going to 8 table about 3K hands tonight and will torture the shorties from the outset. Report to follow.
A shout out to 2 of me best buds, Bornsupreme (Matt) and Conn (Doug). Lets meet up in Vegas soon boys.
See you soon, my donkelicious readers.....
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