Here is a sweet shot of Doyle taunting me at a recent event. He's saying "Thats 9 grand I saved by not paying you commission on your 400 USA players in the last year, Sharky!" Heres the readers digest version of how I got screwed by this "Poker legend" and his dump of a site, Doyles Room.
I signed about 400-500 players up with pro grinder Scott Fischmans "Fish Tank" site. Scott played with us and a few of the old "CREW" that he had. It was fun. Then Scotts site struggled and basically made a deal with Doyles Room to take over all his players/accounts.
Doyles finally (after many emails) agreed to let me keep all my players that were transferred over. I never received credit for all (they get to keep 100% of the rake my players generate and not pay me my 25% commission if they end my link to those players) but decided I could have received nothing and dropped the issue, vowing to pretty much stop promoting this site that doesnt care about all the work I spent promoting Fish Tank and signing 400 players.
Remember this is 25% commission for the rest of all players lives. So them snagging 100 players from me could be lotsa bucks long term.
Doyle might not have a thing to do with shady site managers (hes probably just a "spokesman" as far as daily business goes), but his name is on the door, so he can kiss my big ass.
It gets better. So then when the UIGEA laws hit Doyle is exposed. Hes got USA players and could be in trouble with jonny law, for promoting the site that invites USA players. They ceased letting USA players in and dumped all USA players that were already in.
My players were 80% USA so I lose pretty much the rest of my signed players. Fun. I had lots of tourneys and promoted fish and doyles hard for 2 years.
Thats fine, I understand they didnt want big trouble and were not gonna stand strong like FT, STARS, AP, etc. So after several months Doyle and crew decide, hey!! FT, AP and Stars are not incurring any wrath from Govt!! We can jump back in, and retain all the emails and player info from all those "affiliate signed" players AND NOT PAY THE 25% commish! Sweet, we rich, woohoo. They could have emailed me and other affiliates that worked so hard. They don't call or email. They ripped me and others off and I will never promote or recommend their weak act to anyone ever again. Doyle, if you know whats going on at your room you can fuck off to, your room screwed me and many other affiliates over. I hope you feel good about paying us nothing for years of hard work.
What comes around goes around. Myself and many other affiliates will spread the word about what you are, and how you do business.
Free Poker Training Video #3 is up in the Forum now, Check it out players!
Sorry about the weird spacing and dashes everywhere. The blogger software is not spacing correctly today.
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